Daily General Tarot Reading
Good Afternoon Muggles, Witches, and all Non-Earthly Beings!
Today's Tarot Reading is sponsored by too much multitasking. I actually pulled cards to figure out the direction that I should go in and decided that I would share just in case it resonated with someone else.
When I pulled the first thing I noticed was the Empess Card reversed; however, this was this last card so it was the ending to the reading not the beginning (I like for my readings to tell a story). The first card in this story is the Oracle (or Hermit) card. The Oracle say that its time to take time out and look within. Take a pause from what you're doing and assess what's important at the moment. What should you be focusing on at the moment? What's going on in your life that needs your attention right now? Take some time away from everything and figure that out.
Mother Perception (or the Queen of Cups) follows the Oracle and says that you need to follow your heart during this time of introspection. What is your heart telling you that you should do? Mother Perception is also saying that now is a time to work on creative projects. Have you put a project down? Have you been thinking about starting a project but have been procrastinating? Mother Perception is saying now is the time for that project to come to fruition.
The Six of Earth (Pentacles) is clearly saying that this project is going to be successful. You're going to receive the financial backing that you need for the project or the project is going to bring you the money that you need.
Now back to the Empress Reversed. She comes to reiterate what the Oracle said at the very beginning of the reading. In order for you to get the Six of Earth you need to take the time out and look within. Figure out what is blocking your project from progressing. She is the flashing yellow warning light that says that if you don't take the time out to figure out, listen to your heart, and figure out what direction you're supposed to be going in then you're going to continue to remain creatively blocked and end up suffering financial loss because of it.
And So It Is!