Becoming Mama Moon: How I Embraced My Spiritual Calling
This year has been an interesting one to say the least. It has definitely been one of great endings and greater beginnings. I spent the beginning of the year in the dark shadow of the moon. I went into the depths of the darkness of my soul and found my light.
I have know I was an empath for years, but I spent a lot of this time fighting my gifts. I mean who wants to actually feel other people's feelings? I was at a place where I didn't even want to feel my own. But here's the thing, YOU CAN'T RUN FROM YOUR CALLING! The Universe has this funny way of making you repeat lessons over and over until you learn them though. So, I spent years going through the same shit over and over again until I got tired of going through it. I spent years questioning WHY my life was the way that it was. In all of this introspection I realized that I really didn't know me. I didn't know my purpose. I had been going through life on autopilot and letting life just happen to me instead of truly living life.
I also realized that I was capable of great love. I had the ability to love unconditionally and I poured all of this love into other people, but I wasn't pouring the same love into myself. I could forgive someone for hurting me, but I would beat myself up for making mistakes, for being human. I was not giving myself the same love that I was affording others.
Meeting my twin flame changed all of this. He really showed me a LOT about myself. He held a mirror up to my face and said this is you, on the inside. Looking at myself critically made me want to change what I saw. I wanted to be a better person for me so that I could be a better person for him. I took some time away from him to do just that. I spent 6 weeks alone with myself. In the deepest darkest parts of myself, and it was there that I found my light. For a lot of people this is HARD. Nobody wants to face their own shit. This is why a lot of twin flame unions are tumultuous. Its constantly having to face the things you've been running from your whole life.
But for me, I was ready for change. I was ready to do the work. I was tired of getting my ass handed to me by the Universe. Whatever the Universe told me to do I did it. Meditate at least twice a day to get to know your self? OK. Find a spiritual mentor? Check. Research, study, learn magic? Yep, got it, done! Spend 6 weeks alone with just you, your spirit guides, ancestors, and the Spirit? Uhhhh, I don't really want to, but I guess (BTW this was the greatest experience ever). Teach what you know to others? *insert emoji eyes* PAUSE! What?!?!
Its funny because my 6 weeks alone was a 6 week training to become a teacher. At first when the Universe told me my calling was to teach I thought "duh, I've been wanting to do this all my life". So, that's what I did. I teach high school biology to under-served children of color. But then the Universe was like "Nah homie that's great and all but that's not what I meant when I said teach others what you know". So, I've spent the past few months, since 9/9/2016, trying to figure out exactly what it is I'm supposed to be teaching and to who. I know so much about so many things. I could teach about love. I could teach about sex. I could teach about relationships. I could teach about science. I could teach about how to fix your credit. So, what the fuck am I supposed to teach exactly Universe?
The Universe's answer was Practical Magic. I am to teach people everyday things that are truly what magic is all about. I am to teach people the process that I went through to find myself so that they can find themselves. I am to teach people how I learned to love myself so that they can love themselves. I am to teach the quintessence of magic, and how to incorporate it into everyday living. It is my turn to be the spiritual mentor/teacher. I have been given this knowledge, these gifts, this power not so I can use it for myself, but so that I can share it with others.
And, before I could even ask the Universe why me, the Universe explained it all. I am the Triple Moon Goddess (hence the twitter handle @tresmoongoddess), I have been the maiden, and now I am the Mother, and I will eventually become the Crone. My Cancer moon and ascendant makes me this loving and nurturing person. I care and I love. That is what I do. That is who I am. My Leo sun makes mI e super protective of my children. I am the Lioness who will maul and kill to keep her kittens safe. This is why I do what I do. This is why I keep it real at all times. This is me protecting my love bugs. This is me loving ya'll. This is me teaching you all everything that has been taught to me. This is me loving ya'll and keeping ya'll out of harm's way at the same time. This is me being Mama Moon.